The I.N.K Club

Some Crazy Coolness About the INK Club!

Ok, Here's the low down on the Interesting Natalie Kate Club!

1. Anyone can join the INK Club! (So long as Kate & I approve of them)

2. This website was made by two girls who would not consider themselves geeks! (Unless you go by my friend Whitney's definition of a geek- A smart, but not overly obsessive person that looks normal.)

3.This club is the coolest club anywhere! 

4. There really isn't a fourth thing..But all the best things in the world come in fours so...

If you want to join, submit your info here. Make sure you say in the form that you want to join, b/c the way it is sent to us, we won't know unless you say so.

Info about our mailing list!

So it has been called to our attention that anything we put on Weebly is owned by them. So we have decided that if you want to read any of our stories or something of that nature just let us know when you fill out the form above! K, Thnx!

Official Members






I'm throwing Nicole in here whether she really wants to or not, because she is a member by default. lol

Our linkx page has shrunk! click here to see the pages we like to call INKy!

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